Echoes of Jeanne d'Arc: Missa De Beata Virgine of Reginaldus Liebert - Schola Discantus DOWNLOAD ONLY LEMS-8025
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Very few historical figures evoke the images of heroism, mysticism and power as Joan of Arc, yet the treasures of sacred music surviving from her time are little known today. This disc presents the world-premier recording of a stirring polyphonic Mass that is contemporary with her life and is itself historically significant.
Liebert's Marian cycle distinguishes itself as a landmark multi-movement form in Western art music, and occupies a crucial niche between the medieval and Renaissance eras. Digitally recorded in Memorial Church, Stanford University, Echoes of Jeanne d'Arc is a pinnacle achievement by this dynamic young ensemble that is rapidly ascending to a level of excellence on par with the Hilliard Ensemble, The Gothic Voices, or the Tallis Scholars.
Missa de Beata Virgine of Reginaldus Liebert
1. Inroitus Salve santa parens - 4:17
2. Kyrie - 4:45
3. Gloria - 3:38
4. Graduale - 3:47
5. Alleluia/Verse - 3:53
6. Prosa - 5:13
7. Credo - 5:47
8. Offertorium - 2:43
9. Sanctus - 4:10
10. Agnus Dei - 2:26
11. Communio - 3:16
12. Ite missa est - 0:32
13. Kyrie a 4 - 3:03
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