Music of the Rainforest Pygmies: Historic Recordings of Colin Turnbull DOWNLOAD ONLY LYR-7157
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These are the landmark recordings of the Mbuti Pygmies from the Ituri rain forest in Zaire, recorded by world famous anthropologist and author, the late Colin M. Turnbull, while he lived with them in the late 50's and early 60's. Hunting, leaf-gathering, marriage, and funeral songs are among the selections presented here. The open, interval-based, vocal harmonies of the Pygmies are mesmerizing and unique, as are the amazing, layered poly-rhythms created by both voice and hand. These rare sounds transform this recording into a testament to the musical genius of a little-known culture at the very time that industry and population growth threaten their forest home and way of life. Music of the Rain Forest Pygmies remains a thrilling, vitally important, pivotal recording in the fields of African music and culture.
1. Elephant Song - 2:43
2. Leaf - 4:12
3. Agba'a - 2:57
4. Hunting Song - 7:08
5. Honey - 5:23
6. Clementine - 1:44
7. Harp Song - :56
8. Song of men and women - 3:26
9. Marriage & celebration song - 6:30
10. Stock and zither song - 6:30
11. Dance song of women - 1:51
12. Skipping song - :29
13. Funeral song - 2:35
14. Praise song - 1:53
15. Song of the harp - 3:23
16. Song of old men - 2:02
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